Types of Sexual Violence Covered Under Title IX
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Assault/Rape
- Domestic Violence
- Dating Violence
- Stalking
A Responsible Employee is an employee who has the duty to report incidents of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator or other appropriate designee.
网赌正规真人实体在线平台 defines a "Responsible Employee" as those in the following roles with the college: Directors, Deans, Vice Presidents, Athletic Director/Assistant Athletic Director, AS网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Director/Assistant Director, Disability Services Office staff, Completion Coaches, Hawk Central staff Members, Security Officers, Student Housing staff, Executive Assistants and Secretarial Staff reporting to positions designated above
- You are in control.
- You have a right to choose whom you will talk to, what resources you will use, what you will say and when you will say it.
- If you choose to share your experience, your disclosure will be taken seriously, and you will be treated with dignity.
- 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 does not tolerate sexual violence, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence or stalking.
- You will be protected from retaliation. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 does not tolerate acts of retaliation against anyone filing a complaint or participating in an investigation.
- Support services are available offered on and off campus and are listed below.
- First, offer them support, listen to them, encourage them to seek help and counseling as soon as possible.
- If the individual's safety is an immediate concern, call 911 or contact Campus Security.
- 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 employees, including student employees should report the incident. All Responsible
Employees as defined under Title IX are required to report the incident to the Title
IX Office.
- It's important to report the incident to ensure the individual has access to all available resources, to enhance campus safety and to comply with Title IX and other federal regulations.
- Refer the individual to available on and/or off campus support, listed below.
- Title IX Office; (509) 542-4740 (HR Main Line), titleixFREECOLUMBIA_BASIN
- Office of Student Conduct;
(509) 542-4765, conduct@websiteoutlok.com - 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Counseling Center (students only); (509) 542-5505, counseling@websiteoutlok.com
- Campus Security; Pasco campus
(509) 542-4777, Richland campus
(509) 539-8167, campussecurityFREECOLUMBIA_BASIN
- 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline; Dial 988
- Benton Franklin Crisis Response; 24/7 (509) 783-0500
- Domestic Violence Services of Benton & Franklin Counties (509) 582-9841
- Law Enforcement; Emergency - dial 911, Pasco Police Non-Emergency,
(509) 545-3421,
Richland Police Non-Emergency,
(509) 942-7360,
Kennewick Police Non-Emergency,
(509) 628-0333 - Support Advocacy and Resource Center (SARC), (509) 374-5391, 24/7 - 1 (888) 846-7273
- 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Employee Assistance Program (for employees only), (800) 777-4114
- WA State Office of Crime Victims Advocacy (OCVA), (800) 822-1067
- Benton County Community Resources
- Franklin County Community Resources
- Once a complaint has been filed, either party to the action has the right to an Advisor at any point in the complaint process.
- Federal regulations do not define any specific requirement for individuals who serve in the role of Advisor. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 limits advisors to not be a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 employee, or a party or witness to the complaint.
- Advisors cannot speak on behalf of the Complainant/Respondent unless the party has a legal guardian due to disability.
- Advisors may attend meetings, hearings and trial with the party as a guide through the policies and process.
- Disruptive advisors engaging in an abusive or non-respectful manner may be asked to leave meetings.
- The role of Advisor is not compensated by 网赌正规真人实体在线平台.